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Fasadgruppen clears a path to CSRD compliance

As the leading group within building exterior work and services in the Nordic countries, Fasadgruppen has a direct positive impact on the energy efficiency of buildings, and on the industry as a whole. With a complex organisational structure with over 50 subsidiaries, how has Fasadgruppen tackled the challenge of CSRD and ESRS? Head of Sustainability Adrian Westman weighs in.

How do you work with sustainability in such a complex organisation?

All our 50+ subsidiaries work under their own brand, with different niches in the services they provide related to the building envelope. We’ve created a common sustainability framework that works for everyone but can also be adapted for their own operations, with a focus on three areas; to have the industry’s most ambitious climate action, to provide the industry’s best workplace, and to be the industry’s most stable partner.

Naturally, we need to be able to monitor progress and ensure that everyone understands our shared goals for ESG performance. This is also where Position Green came into the picture.

What steps have you taken to prepare for CSRD and ESRS requirements?

The tricky part has been to try and adapt to a regulatory framework that was both highly complex and not yet finalised, leaving room for interpretation and uncertainties. Our first step was to do a double materiality assessment. We used this as a basis for our gap analysis to try and understand what we need to do to bridge the distance to compliance. It was also crucial for a decentralised organisation like ours to introduce a common system for managing and reporting all this data in line with the disclosure requirements.

What challenges have you found in aligning with CSRD and ESRS?

It really is a colossal undertaking. Data quality is of course a factor, as well as general know-how. It is important to remember that resources vary greatly within different sized companies, while the regulatory demands are essentially equal for all. For example, the CSRD efforts being widely covered in the media are mostly driven by large cap companies that are resource rich. Smaller enterprises, ours included, have to think smart in combining tools, consultants and own resources to get set up for compliance. At the same time, these efforts need to create short and long-term business value for the company and the shareholders. That’s the bottom line.

Do you see opportunities in the mandatory reporting?

I see this regulation as a driver to implement positive change over time. For example, the majority of our footprint is Scope 3 – the indirect emissions in our value chain. Not only will we gather better data across the value chain thanks to CSRD requirements, but we can also use this to improve due diligence with subcontractors and suppliers, as well as help our customers make more informed decisions, such as material choices. The common framework and understanding make monitoring performance and improvements that much easier.

How does Position Green help you tackle CSRD compliance?

For the first time, we have a common reporting system related to ESG topics that works for our decentralised structure, which is key for CSRD. All our subsidiaries now have a deadline for reporting CO2 emissions, and the transparency we achieve in analysing this and other ESG data has exceeded our expectations. 

The software is not just easy to use, it provides a common understanding of sustainability efforts, whether you’re a finance manager or subsidiary employee. The insights let us zero in on ESG improvements and drive sustainable impact – in our organisation and across the entire industry.

“We have a common reporting system related to ESG, which is key for CSRD.”

Adrian Westman – Head of Communications & Sustainability at Fasadgruppen

About Fasadgruppen

Fasadgruppen Group AB brings together the Nordic region’s leading entrepreneurs with services focused on the building envelope. With more than 50 subsidiaries, the business combines the drive and proximity of locally based companies with the scope of a large group to provide comprehensive solutions to customers.

Fasadgruppen’s subsidiaries possess expertise in all aspects of exterior work on properties, such as façades, windows, balconies and roofs. Their customers include property owners, construction companies, property managers, consultants, housing cooperatives as well as state bodies and municipalities.

Fasadgruppen’s sustainability work is based on a common framework with three focus areas – The industry’s best workplace, The industry’s most ambitious climate action, and The industry’s most stable partner – from which they steer their priorities.

Position Green supports Fasadgruppen with our ESRS solution and Sustainability Suite.

Learn more about Fasadgruppen’s sustainability work.

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